Name 관리자 HIT 3572
Subject [ZORAN] SuparFRC 300 Date 10.05.17

* Features

 - Overdrive

 - Local dimming for direct LED backlight

 - 3D ready for stereoscopic panel

 - Single chip 240Hz with 2 DDR

 - Picture flip

 - DD3 support

 - VbyOne and HS LVDS to reduce number of interface cables with panel


* Picture quality improvement versus SupraFRC200

- Further reduce flickering on rotation, zoon

- Further reduce dislocation and halo on periodic pattern

- Larger motion capture range

- Improve Fall back management

- Improve cadence detection

- Dynamic Super Resolution – increasing sharpening on moving picture


New package aQFN 16*16

Allow 4;4;4 color processing